Friday, April 10, 2015

This Is That

"This is that" 
reference Acts 2:16 which is when Peter references Joel 2 where God said He would pour out His Spirit on All people

Reference the widow's supply to Elijah that never ran out (see here)

Watch out for the counsel of the ungodly (Psalm 1:1)

"That all alone feeling, a famine in the land... all too familiar...

...1 Kings 17- Elijah!

There is something about the widow woman that really strikes a chord with me, but it is something for the future; I don't know what it is, just that it means something for later.

A famine in the land, living on morsels, wandering through a wasteland, lonely, and a need for the "dead" to rise; interesting..."

All that was from May 26, 2013. Six months later, there was a death. That was followed by living on morsels, a famine, and loneliness. All this has been brought to my remembrance.

So, 6 months from now, I can expect "that", but until then, the supply will not run out and I should mind the counsel that I accept.