Tuesday, April 12, 2011

So, Where Does It Say in the Bible...

....so where does it say in the Bible that you have to go to church?

Don't neglect the meeting http://bible.us/Heb10.25.NLT

That's what i thought you would say.

God told me to go back a few verses and read. Look at verse 11 http://bible.us/Heb10.11.NLT
The "same old same old" gets the same old results. 

So, if we go to church because we think we "have to" (legalism), but keep doing the same old thing we always do, how can we possibly think that something different is going to happen?

Yes, there is a "gift of miracles" http://bible.us/1Cor12.10.NLT , but it is not operating. It's not God's fault that we don't see miracles. It would be a real miracle indeed if...

God did NOT call me to sit in a pew at the appointed times only, and that be the sustenance and gist of my service to God. The Bible says GO! http://bible.us/Mark16.15.NLT


Hear the Word, DO the Word http://bible.us/Jas1.22.NLT 
or you are just kidding yourself.

I just so desperately want to see people get saved!

It's time for something different!

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