Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Curse of Moses' Wilderness

I fear I will never get out of this wilderness...

My shoes don't wear out, but I'm tired of walking in circles.

I feel like I'm starving on this manna stuff, but I'll choke on the meat...

I look to the brazen serpent, but these snake bites still hurt...

You parted the sea, and delivered me from mine enemies, but I fear I won't make it out of this wilderness.

I have been brought here to prove my heart, but I seem to have expended the mercy and grace that was afforded me.

What do I do?

Was I not one who spyed out the land and saw that it was good?!

Did I not say, "let's go now!"?

Wherein have I erred that the earth will now swallow me up?

Wherein have I erred that I must die here in this wilderness so that the children can cross over into that which was promised to me?

And if I die here in this wilderness, then who will preach? They can't know without a preacher...

Have I already preached, and become the castaway?

Is this my fate, instead of perishing in the belly of a great fish?

Do I not get my gourd plant for the worm to feast on?

Woe unto me, o wretched soul that I am!

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