Thursday, June 23, 2011

Apostles, Prophets, and Revelations, Oh My!

I was a little bummed because I just haven't seen the power of God in church.
I think my post on "church pizza" was spot on.

Then, I got to working on a few pages on my website yesterday. There were some links that needed to go, some new ones to be added, but then there were a few links in particular that I hadn't even fully investigated myself.

When you get done reading my post here, you need to click through on that link and read that article.

Apostles and prophets? 
Prophecy, now I've been giving that a lot of thought lately. Back in May when things started happening, I noticed the prophecy. God was laying things on my heart and mind so I spoke them. But then, those things started happening. That caught me by surprise and was quite humbling. For some reason I thought prophecy was a strange thing for ME to do, after all, God called me to be a "missionary" and to cast out devils.

It goes back to revelation. God will reveal Himself and His plans to those who seek diligently after Him.

Why should we think that the occurrences of John and Paul were so unique?
John was just a young man when he started out. He didn't know anything, but he really loved Jesus.
Paul was a devout and zealous murderer; a christian killer to be exact.
Why were they so special?

God CHOSE them.

Has God chosen you? If you have any doubts, do a New Testament search for the word "chosen".

God reveals Himself... God's Kingdom has Power... apostles and prophets...

So, last night, I was just bummed. I didn't even want to go to church (Oops! Did I type that out loud?). My wife wanted to go so I "went with her".

We got there, and they didn't have a song leader so they commissioned my wife. It appeared they didn't have a speaker so I was asked (and I almost didn't go!).

As it turned out, they did have a speaker. Interestingly enough though, the scriptures I would have given if I spoke, were covered by somebody else via testimony; I made note of that.

As the speaker brought his teaching on "offenses" (interesting, considering the past month's events!), something he said grabbed me. He had something specific he was going to give me. At the end, he asked me to come up, and he prayed a specific (God-led) blessing over me. I gladly received that!

After the service I got to talking to the fellow that testified. It took a little while, but I realized he WAS A PROPHET!


He didn't go by a specific title of "Prophet So-And-So", but he was the real deal.

At the end of our long conversation he said, "We'll have to go to the hospital together."

What?! I have been thinking all week about the guy who was SUPPOSED TO GO to the hospital with me to minister, but never did (that was last year).

So here's this guy, didn't know him before this conversation, and, OH MY!

So where's the power? He's got it.

So where are the prophets? He is one.

So who has God revealed Himself to lately? He can tell you and so could the speaker.

So when are you going to release me to go minister in the hospital, God? Very soon.

I think the last thing he said got to me even more - when God calls you to do something, He just rolls it out and IT'S DONE!

Oh, ya.  

"for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure."  Philippians 2:13 "NASB)

It's God's work. He's doing it. He will see it through.

What a night...


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